Welcome to Claisse St Vincent
Claisse St Vincent is a specialist fee-based Wealth Management IFA based in Southampton. The business was formed in 1992 primarily to help clients accumulate and protect wealth. Since its formation it has steadily grown to become one of the leading wealth management businesses in the south of England.
At the heart of this success is the recognition that most people require help to make sure they manage their finances effectively. Often, this is because they simply do not have enough time or confidence to effectively deal with their finances, or they have taken action themselves but did not achieve the performance they expected or hoped for.
Over the years, experience has taught us, that most problems arise when customers have received poor advice from a number of different organizations that did not take full advantage of available tax concessions, were unduly influenced by excessive commissions and did not take account of an individual’s overall situation.
Too often we find customers have received sales advice at the time of investment but no further advice over the life of their investment. Often this means that customers do not understand what they have invested in, what their investment is currently worth or what the outlook for their investment is.
Whatever the circumstances, the end result is that too many people do not make the most of their wealth and do not enjoy the lifestyle they could have achieved.
Providing fee based advice that isn’t influenced by commission incentives and helps you manage your wealth effectively, so that you achieve your life goals, lies at the heart of our wealth management service.